Kiwanis Club of Rochester Day Makers  

Officers and Committee Chairs and SLP Reps

This section contains a list of officers, board members and committee chairs for the
2022 - 2023 Kiwanis year (Oct 01 thru Sept 30).

Officers - Kiwanis Year 2022 - 2023 Directors
President Linda Rouhoff Jim Decker 2023
Past President Herb Erickson Garry Post 2024
President Advisor Kathy Davis Dave Bhaskaran 2024
President Elect Janet Cederholm Bruce Keller 2025
1st Vice President Becky Hopson Larry Scilley 2025
Secretary/Treasurer Jack Zierdt    


Committee Chairs:  2022 - 2023                      Kiwanis Year (Oct 01 - Sept 30)
Program Jim Cook
Community Service Rick Johnson
Youth Services Helen Kolb, Ken Reding
Early Childhood Development Linda Rouhoff
Human & Spiritual Values Ruth Vrieze
Membership Jim Schwinghammer
Public Relations Bob Nowicki
Strategic Planning Jim Cook
Inter Clubs Herb Erickson
Historian Bruce Keller
Newsletter/Web Master Richard Odell
Operations/Fund Raising Jim Schwinghammer


Service Leadership Programs (SLP)   Club Reps

Century High Key Club                          

Helen Kolb
Harriet Bishop K-Kids Rick Johnson
Riverside-CentralK-Kids Helen Kolb


MN-Dak District Officer   Lt Governors - Division 7     
Lt Governor - Division 7 Kathy Davis        (2021 - 2022)
Lt Governor - Division 7 Richard Odell      (2014 - 2016)
Lt Governor - Division 7 Herb Erickson
Lt Governor - Division 7 Bob Nowicki

Club Home Page / Club Background / Club Officers

Kiwanis International Home Page

Page last updated by Richard Odell ( ) on 09/27/2022. Your input and comments on how to enhance Kiwanis web site efforts are welcomed and appreciated.