Kiwanis Day Makers of Rochester, MN

Kiwanis One Day of Service 
Food for Kidz

Feeding Children International - Stewartville Food Pack  - April 06, 2013

Activity:             Feeding Children International - Kids Against Hunger:  Stewartville Food Pack  - Bulk Meals Food Distributions

Description:       Assist the Stewartville, MN Kiwanis Club to provide food packaging of food to feed the needy/hungry by repacking bulk food ingredients and equipment for overseas shipments. 

Kiwanis One Day - "Food for KIDZ” Project:  Saturday April 6, 2013.    What a success, with 183,168 meals packed in one day. 

This puts the Stewartville club over their goal of 1,000,000 meals in their 10 year history as they are now at 1,023,000+ meals.  More than 28 Day Makers participated along with 30 UMR Circle K members and their advisor.  The UMR team had 11 members and their advisor who worked the entire day.

Many thanks to the Kiwanis Club of Stewartville for pulling everything together so our Region 7 Kiwanis Clubs could led their support for such an important project.

The annual Minnesota-Dakotas Kiwanis District Sub-Region 7 participated in the Kiwanis One Day of Service  “Food for KIDZ” Project in Stewartville, Minnesota.

Each club was asked to contribute $2,000 or more toward defraying the cost of the meals that will be packaged. With our Day Maker goal of $2,000.00 needing to be met by pledges please make out your checks to “Food for KIDZ” and give it to Jack Zierdt. Remember this is a tax-deductible donation.

The cost of each package of food is estimated at $0.15 and with a goal of packing 158,000 meals the Kiwanis Club of Stewartville needs to raise $23,700.00.  With this information you can see that any and all donations, no matter the size, are welcome. Let’s work and donate our financial resources, time and talents to help them reach their goal as well as meeting the Day Makers contribution goal of at least $2,000.00.  If you have any questions regarding this “One Day of Service” by Kiwanis please contact Jack Zierdt.

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More photos on Page 2.